Please complete the Tour Permission & Consent form ASAP

Tour Summary

Tour Date: Friday 28th April 2023  To:   Sunday 30th April 2023

Drop & Pickup – Westcliff RFC (timings TBC)

Accommodation and Activity Site:

Kingswood Centre
Dearne Valley
Denaby Main
Doncaster DN12 4EA

Rugby Festival:

Harrogate RFC
Rudding Lane
Harrogate HG3 1DQ

Tour Itinerary & Brochure

Click on Picture for more site Information

All Attendees must complete the Online Permission & Consent form

Tour Contacts

Tour Managers: Chris Rushton 07830 438150
Tour Safeguarding Officer: Nick Faint  07800 846795
Tour First Aiders: Nick Faint, Rob Dobinson  07800 846795 & 07495 646216
Tour Home Contact: Catherine Rushton 07824 891229
Club Safeguarding Officer: Darren Morrant 07506 673654
Club Secretary: Richard Johnson 07501 593147

Further Info / T's & C's

On-site Volunteers

All Tour Volunteers will be members of the age groups management team and they will comply with Safeguarding policies and procedures, and have a valid, RFU DBS check.


To book a place on tour for your please fill out the Online Permission & Concent Form (see top of page).

Tour includes:

  • Supervision to Club & RFU Standards
  • Transportation from and back to Westcliff RFC as well as any planned transfers whilst on tour (additional cost for transport TBC in Feb)
  • Accommodation
  • On-Site Activities
  • Meals
  • Rugby

Please be on-time with booking and payments. Delays in payments can put the entire tour at risk.

Other Tour Information


In the Event of an Emergency:

  1. Remain calm and take time to think if possible
  2. Establish the facts and nature of the situation
  3. Ensure all children are safe and supervised
  4. Contact tour manager as soon as possible
  5. Identify if any children/volunteers are hurt and their immediate medical requirements
  6. If medical attention is needed call the first aider or the emergency services for an ambulance
  7. Ensure that the child is accompanied to hospital by an appropriate adult volunteer
  8. Complete an incident form once the situation is resolved.
  9. As with club rugby, any overnight stay in hospital, must be reported to the RFU who will follow up and liaise with the parent if necessary.


If there is a safeguarding issue:

  1. Report the incident to the Tour Safeguarding Officer
  2. Complete RFU Incident/Concern Reporting Form
  3. Tour Safeguarding Officer and Tour Manager will decide the course of action using the RFU Safeguarding Policy, Guidance and Procedures.


In the unlikely event of bad behavior, the tour management team may use sanctions. This could involve loss of activity time.

Home Contacts

The Home Contact role is to be the point of contact in case of emergency will and co-ordinate between parent/guardians and the tour management team.

Darren Morrant, the Club Safeguarding Officer, is independent from the planning and management of the tour and should only be contacted where a safeguarding issue occurs and where the Tour Management/Club Home Contact are unable to address.

Suggested kit list:

Towel (for showers)
Toiletry bag – soap, toothpaste & brush
Suitable footwear (such as trainers) for outdoor wear
Suitable indoor footwear
Tracksuit bottoms or similar (not jeans)
Socks & underwear
Pajamas and slippers / socks
Small torch
A named water bottle
Long sleeved top
Spare sweatshirt
Spare t-shirt
Cold weather items: coat, gloves & hat
Warm weather items:  Sun cream / hat

Mandatory kit: Usual rugby kit including:  base layers, gum shield, shorts, socks, boots etc.

Spending Money: There is a small shop on site which sells sweets and small souvenirs, so £5 to £10 would be ok.

Mobile Phones & Valuable Items: Mobile phones & Ipads are not to be taken on tour, and other valuables are discouraged.  In the unlikely event that  your child is home sick communications  can be made through the tour safeguarding officer.  Westcliff RFC will not take responsibility for the loss or damage of valuable items.

Prescription Medicines

If you wish to pass prescription medicines to the tour First Aider to look after they must be marked with the patient name and clear instructions  of administration.


Kingswood have standard dormitory style accommodation. Rooms range of purpose built dormitories. All accommodation buildings have gender-separated bathroom and shower facilities and party leader rooms close by. Sheets, duvets and pillows are provided for all guests.


To fuel young guests during a long day of thrilling adventure activities, three meals per day are provided, with lots of choice and seasonal variations. Each day there is a carefully balanced and nutritional meal plan, recently updated to meet and exceed the latest Government standards on  young people’s meals.

Site First Aid Arrangements:

Kingswood: All activities have rapid access to first aid trained staff and facilities & a Kingswood Duty Manager and first-aiders are on call 24 hours a day

Nearest A & E: https:

Doncaster Royal Infirmary

Thorne Road

Tel: 01302 366666


Insurance cover over the tour consists of:

Up to £5 million

Any additional cover is the responsibility of the individual (e.g. personal holiday insurance and Westcliff RFC will not accept any liability).

Data Protection

Westcliff Rugby club is committed to protect members personal data and complies with the principles of the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Reform (GDPR)

The personal data collected for the tour by the Tour Manager will be kept securely and only distributed ,on a need-to-know basis, for the purpose of delivering a safe, enjoyable, tour At this time, with you permission given via the On-line Tour Booking form.  Your data will be shared in line with the Westcliff RFC’s Data Protection Policy, the Data Privacy of Kingswood Centre.

If not listed within the policy, permission will be requested for additional distributions.  All data collected will be destroyed within 1 month of completing the tour.  You have a right to review and amend the data provided, and you also have the right to withdraw your data and also your permission to use that data at any time.  Please contact the Tour Manager if you wish to do this.  Data access will be facilitated as quickly as possible, taking a maximum of 2 weeks to make available.  Data use will stop immediately upon withdrawal of permission. For more information regarding your data protection right please go to the GDPR page on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.

Risk Assessments | Kingswood

Useful Documents and Links: